giving pens

17 May, 2023

The Benefits of Giving Branded Pens to Your Clients and Employees

There are many different branded products to choose from, and one of the most popular gifts is pens. Everyone uses pens every day, so it’s easy to see why they are such a popular promotional item. This blog post will take you through the main reasons companies should invest in pens as their next promotional item, as well as give you some information on pens for your brand and budget. Once you finish reading this article, you’ll have all the information you need to order the perfect branded pen and start promoting your business with them.

  1. A branded pen can stand out
    Branded pens are an excellent way to get your business's name out in the world. Who doesn't love a sleek new pen? Pens also make great promotional giveaways for trade shows, seminars, job fairs, or conventions. As a thank you for someone's time or as part of an incentive program, branded pens are always appreciated by your customers and employees. They can be used every day to create advertising that lasts much longer than a fleeting post on social media. From stress relievers and ergonomic ballpoint pens to stylus highlighters, there's something out there for everyone.
  2. Customised pens make people look good
    Customised pens are an affordable way to keep your brand top-of-mind in your customers' daily lives. You'll have a constant reminder of your business right at their fingertips every time they write a note, make a list, or start their day. With customised pens as giveaways or incentive gifts, you can show appreciation for your employees and create goodwill among colleagues who appreciate personalised gifts.
  3. Pens make you memorable
    When was the last time you wrote something down? It was most likely on a pen, whether at a restaurant, grocery store, or doctor's office. Pens make you memorable, can lead to new business leads, and help your brand stick in the minds of your customers. Consider using promotional pens with your company name in various places where they might be picked up, like reception desks, conference rooms, doctors' offices (they're great for patient forms), and restaurant tables. That way, as people leave your company, it will be one thing they will not forget.
  4. Pens are affordable gifts
    Branded pens are an affordable gift you can give your clients, employees, or employees that work in customer service. If clients forget their pen at your office, it'll be nice to have one waiting for them. Even if you don't run an office or an online business, giving branded pens as employee gifts is a great way to show appreciation. On top of these benefits, they make any desk look more professional.
  5. A pen makes a great thank-you gift
    Branded pens are inexpensive, convenient, and powerful tools for your marketing campaign. Handing out pens that have your logo printed on them is a low-cost way to establish your company's identity. It also allows you to leave a lasting impression on any potential customers.


Furthermore, suppose employees give away branded items from their own personal collections or home office supplies. In that case, they're committing much stronger because it shows their support for the company on both professional and personal levels. One thing that can be looked at as a benefit would be people keeping the pen after it runs out of ink. However, this becomes one downside in that if people lose the pen or can't find it, then there is no chance for them ever seeing your logo again.

The Pens Only Team